foreign economic activity, customs and tariff regulation, management, enterprisesAbstract
The article examines the foreign economic activity of the enterprise in the system of tit-for-tat regulation, and it is noted that the foreign economic activity of the enterprise is a component of the national economic policy, and therefore is subject to regulation by the state, which in turn carries out regulation through the adoption of a number of effective normative legal acts. Subjects of regulation of the foreign economic activity of enterprises are considered, which include: customs authorities that carry out customs control; enterprises as subjects of foreign economic activity; customs brokers and individuals involved in the movement of goods and vehicles across the border For the management of enterprises engaged in foreign economic activity, the necessary elements of customs and tariff regulation are: establishment of conditions for accelerating the foreign economic turnover of the enterprise; compliance with the legally established order of movement of goods and vehicles across the customs border; registration of duties, taxes and other customs payments in the shortest possible time; submission of information for compiling the product nomenclature of foreign economic activities of enterprises. The most important form of foreign economic activity of enterprises is the export of products, which indicates the presence of its competitiveness. Export of products is carried out through customs control at certain stages of goods movement: production, storage, purchase, sale, loading, unloading, packaging, transportation, insurance, use, etc. Customs control is a check of information about the country of origin of the product, its customs value, quality, correctness of classification according to the commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity, quantity, weight, etc. Defining and specifying information is necessary to resolve issues of compliance with legislation, international agreements and established relevant customs regimes. The main task of customs control is to reduce time spent on checking documents and company information necessary for customs purposes.
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