social responsibility, CSR (corporate social responsibility), socially responsible behavior, social innovations, hotel enterprise, hotel businessAbstract
This article aims to investigate and analyze the implementation of social responsibility principles in the operations of hotel enterprises. In the context of the contemporary business environment, social responsibility is defined as active participation by enterprises in addressing social, environmental, and ethical issues. The study explores the advantages associated with the integration of these principles into hotel businesses and assesses their impact on relationships with consumers, employees, and the global community. Drawing on global experiences and considering advanced social responsibility standards, the research analyzes how hotel enterprises can adapt and implement these approaches in the Ukrainian context. The research employs a comprehensive methodology, combining literature review, case studies of global best practices in corporate social responsibility (CSR), and an in-depth analysis of the adaptability and implementation of CSR principles within the Ukrainian hotel industry. Data collection includes analysis of CSR practices, allowing for a nuanced understanding of the challenges and opportunities in incorporating social responsibility into hotel operations. The findings reveal that the adoption of social responsibility principles by hotel enterprises brings about enhanced brand reputation, increased consumer loyalty, risk mitigation, and heightened competitiveness. The study highlights the positive impact of these principles on internal dynamics such as employee satisfaction and external relationships with customers and global communities. This research provides a valuable foundation for the development of effective corporate social responsibility strategies tailored to the Ukrainian hotel sector. By drawing insights from global experiences and considering advanced CSR standards, hotel enterprises in Ukraine can adapt and implement these approaches to align with local contexts and market specificities. The practical implications of the study offer guidance for hotel industry stakeholders to develop and implement socially responsible initiatives, fostering positive socio-economic outcomes and sustainable business practices.
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