


innovations, socio-economic development, innovation project, economy, state, scientific institutions, ranking, innovation potential


Innovative development of the country's potential based on digital transformation is an urgent task for any competitive economic policy. It is able to ensure the implementation of an innovative strategy and the digital transformation of the state. In connection with the high speed of development and renewal of the economic market, the problem is the lack of methods for the rational selection of innovative projects. In practice, scientific institutions and companies often implement innovative projects without reasonable selection and ranking, which in turn leads to a high proportion of unsuccessful innovative projects and final results, implementations. As a result of implementation, the institution and the state as a whole do not receive a commercially successful product or service that is distinguished by the consumer among competitors. The evaluation of innovative projects is based on the analysis of financial indicators of the expected results from implementation, implementation. The evaluation of the strategic coherence of the innovative project is ignored. The purpose of the study was to analyze approaches to the methodology of ranking innovative projects. The method used is a comprehensive analysis of the impact of the proposed project results on various aspects of the companies' activities (strategic, environmental, organizational and technological). The study highlighted the features of innovative projects in the field of new technologies, carried out a comparative analysis of methodological approaches to the evaluation of innovative projects, modified the model of adopting innovations and their implementation. The authors analyzed the foreign experience of applying the methodology of evaluating innovative projects, their features and implementation. Ensuring the sustainable development of the economy largely depends on the implementation of the innovation model, in which the innovation infrastructure plays a key role. The search for appropriate methods and approaches to project assessment determined the relevance of the research topic. The article summarizes the methods of evaluation of innovative projects, identifies their advantages and disadvantages. In addition, the peculiarities of the assessment of innovative projects are revealed. The novelty of the work is the improvement of the methodical approach and model for evaluating the efficiency of innovative projects, which takes into account the specifics of the investment, technological process and project implementation. The application of the proposed methodical approach to the evaluation of innovative projects, in turn, will make it possible to speed up the process of selecting innovative projects and their implementation, will contribute to the activation of innovative activities and the formation of a sustainable innovation culture of Ukraine, which will contribute to the sustainable development of the country.


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