


tourism, excursion, quest excursion, Magdeburg (German) law, privileges, Sataniv


The development of domestic tourism against the background of russia's war against Ukraine, global changes and restrictions acquires a new complex and applied meaning and offers Ukrainians the opportunity to get to know their native land better, study the history of their native land, and improve their sustainability. Gradual generalization of the experience of author tours, quest-tours by teachers of the department of tourism, recreation, cross-cultural communication and fundamental training of the Khmelnytskyi Institute of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management with the aim of popularizing new tours and their presentation in student travel agencies of the institute. Quest-excursions allow travelers to immerse themselves in important events, phenomena, processes of Ukrainian history, culture, law, etc. Also, questing has an effect similar to the use of art therapy and essay therapy and is a modern trend of the "economy of impressions". In the article, based on a preliminary analysis of historical and cultural approaches to the coverage of the topic of granting Magdeburg, privileges on Magdeburg (German) law to Ukrainian cities, towns and villages, the key elements for creating an author's excursion, quest-excursion are analyzed. The main components of the excursion preparation were singled out, and the material in the quest task was fragmentarily summarized. The applied aspect allows its use in teaching the author's curriculum of the educational discipline "Development of author's excursions, quest excursions", as well as approbation in student travel agencies. Quest-excursions allow travelers to immerse themselves in important events, phenomena, processes of Ukrainian history, culture, law, etc. Also, questing has an effect similar to the use of art therapy and essay therapy and is a modern trend of the "economy of impressions". The applied goal of the article is to present the method of creating a quest-excursion based on an author's excursion, which contributes to the diversification of forms and methods of learning and practical activities. The purpose of excursions for tourists is recreation, communication, such as intellectual acquaintance with local history, regional historical and cultural locations, active competition. The purpose of the quest-excursions for students of higher education (specialty "Tourism") is to obtain modern sublimated theoretical and practical knowledge using the latest educational technologies, critical thinking, creative, author's approach.


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