
  • Yurii Myndzia Private Higher Educational Institution “Kyiv University of Culture”



tourism, historical landscape, heritage traditions, martial law, missile threat, strategic decision


Lviv region, as a historical region with a rich cultural heritage, is an attractive object for the development of the tourism industry. It has been established that the promotion of cultural sites in this region plays a key role in the growth of tourism, contributes to the preservation of national identity and stimulates economic development. It is proved that the effectiveness of this promotion depends on the correct choice of strategic approaches based on the synthesis of international experience and local initiatives. It is established that among the important initiatives for the local level is the creation of cultural tourism clusters that combine tourist attractions, gastronomic and cultural events, which allows the formation of unique tourist products. In addition, it is important to cooperate with local communities, which can become not only custodians of cultural heritage but also active participants in its promotion. Local initiatives to preserve and promote historic architecture, art projects, and crafts can significantly enrich the tourist experience. Cultural tourism is one of the important tools, due to which something new is constantly being opened for citizens from different regions of Ukraine and stereotypes regarding them are leveled. The list of the most important objects of the first category directly includes architectural examples: churches, town halls, castles, palaces, temples. It is substantiated that one of the key aspects is the need to develop infrastructure capable of supporting an increase in tourist flows. Local and regional authorities should facilitate the development of transport, the creation of hotel and gastronomic facilities, and support cultural events that attract international tourists. In addition, the development of sustainable tourism is an important area for preserving cultural and natural resources. In summary, strategic approaches to promoting cultural heritage sites in Lviv should combine international experience and local initiatives, emphasizing innovative technologies, cooperation with local communities, and sustainable development. This combination will not only popularize the region on the international stage, but also preserve its cultural heritage for future generations.


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