migration, migration crisis, EU security, threat to EU security, overcoming the migration crisis.Abstract
The article establishes that the migration crisis in the EU is one of the most dangerous and complex challenges to the security of the European Union, as it carries a number of negative consequences. Appearing at the end of 2014 and reaching its peak in 2015-2016, the migration crisis in the EU remains an important factor affecting the existence and functioning of the European Union even now, when the EU has a number of new migration challenges caused by the Russian-Ukrainian war. As a complex collective phenomenon, the migration crisis includes: the problem of the internal and external borders of the EU, the problem of illegal crossing of the code, the problem of the distribution and acceptance of migrants, the problem of the integration of migrants into European society, the problem of organized crime, the problem of inter-ethnic conflicts, as well as a number of other important aspects. Having characterized each of the mentioned problems, the author notes that the migration crisis is a really serious challenge for the security of the EU. From the review of the migration policy of the EU, it was established that, as of today, the EU is paying considerable attention to overcoming the migration crisis, and a number of important steps have been taken on the way to its solution. However, the author established that today the migration policy of the EU still has a number of problems, the solution of which is the key to successfully overcoming the migration crisis. By analyzing all the negative factors of the impact of the migration crisis in the EU on its security, the author established that overcoming the migration crisis is quite real with the introduction of an effective migration policy. In view of this, the author proposes some ways to overcome the negative manifestations of the migration crisis, which can become the basis of the EU migration policy for the coming years.
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