budget programs, formation, state socio-economic policy, implementation, social guarantees, modern stage, implementationAbstract
The article states that the functioning of the state necessitates the performance of certain functions in management, defense, financing of the economy and the social sphere. The main reason for the appearance of the state budget can be considered the state's need for financial resources to perform its functions, and the state implements its regulatory functions, especially in the field of social and economic guarantees, through the budget and the budget system. The state budget is an active instrument of state regulation of the national economy in order to ensure stabilization and sustainable development, maintaining its leading role as a source of centralized financial resources. It was found that achieving the optimal ratio between economic and social directions of development is the main task of budget policy. For the practical implementation of budget policy in the state, a budgetary mechanism is formed, which reflects the specific orientation of budgetary relations to the complex socio-economic system of the state. In general, the state budget is one of the most important tools for regulating social and economic guarantees of society. In the conditions of market relations, the role of economically justified economic decisionmaking in managing the activities of business entities and the economy of society increases due to the functioning of the price system. It is realized that at the present stage regulation is a necessary factor for the effective functioning of any socio-economic system or its individual components. With the development of financial and economic activities of economic entities, the role of the price system is strengthened not only as a carrier of economic information about the permissible costs for the production of certain types of products of the required quality, economic resources, but also as one of the most important components of the financial mechanism. It is substantiated that one of the main methods of market self-regulation is the balancing of supply and demand for the relevant types of products or resources and establishing the level of market prices for them. It is believed that such market self-regulation of the economy is optimal and thus establishes the proportions of socio-economic guarantees, this is a certain correspondence between the structure of social crises and the structure of the social product. That is, the market mechanism solves three main problems of organizing the economy, and it has significant advantages over other systems of organizing the national economy. Therefore, there is a need for targeted state regulatory influence on the process of market pricing.
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