national security, emergency circumstances, public administration, mechanisms of public administration, civil securityAbstract
At this stage, the activities of all public administration bodies under extraordinary circumstances are given rather meticulous and special attention. This is primarily due to the fact that the growth of external and internal challenges and threats to the security of Ukraine requires the adoption of additional measures aimed at ensuring security, strengthening public order, increasing the protection of citizens, society and the state from illegal encroachments, man-made and natural hazards , of social and military origin. Continuous improvement of legislation, associated with a characteristic change in circumstances both in the state and in the world, improvement of law enforcement practice of public authorities require constant adjustment of legal support, their operational and management activities. The legal regulations regarding the activity of public authorities under extraordinary circumstances must be constantly improved. This is due to the variety of risks and dangers that are constantly changing, because they are correlated with dynamic internal and external state processes. New relationships are constantly emerging that desperately need legal mediation. Today, it should be stated that coordinated interaction between the central bodies of the executive power plays an extremely important role in the conditions of extraordinary circumstances. Instead, this issue has not been adequately addressed. The solution of the mentioned issue acquires special importance in view of the complexity of the processes of legal regulation of the activities of public administration bodies under extraordinary circumstances. Emergency circumstances are characterized by an increased level of multifaceted dangerous risks, which require the adoption of integral, comprehensive measures and the involvement of various public administration bodies in this process. The issue of the interaction of public administration bodies under extraordinary circumstances should be regulated by adopting a special separate legislative act or/or by adopting relevant subordinate legal acts - provisions, instructions, which must clearly record the general fundamental principles of interaction between the specified management bodies, the peculiarities of interaction in the presence of certain threats and risks under circumstances of an extraordinary nature.
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