
  • Mykhailo DUBEL



public-private partnership, policy, socio-economic recovery of Ukraine, methodology, concession, infrastructure


For political science, the study of public-private partnership (hereinafter - PPP) is considered as a tool for dialogue between the state and the private sector of the economy, but modern challenges call into question the existing scientific developments. The purpose of the work. To conduct an analysis of the methodological foundations of the policy of publicprivate partnership in the process of socio-economic recovery of Ukraine. Methodology. The systematic method – based on the systematization of previous studies, made it possible to propose an author's definition of the PPP category. Scientific novelty. The concept of the PPP model as a tool for the implementation of state policy and the system of interaction between state institutions and the private sector of the economy, where business entities become political actors that stimulate modernization processes in the formation of territorial development policies, are proposed. Conclusions. On the basis of different methodological approaches, it was determined: according to the systemic methodological approach, PPP is a system, because in the process of structural interaction, business entities and state institutions with common interests and expectations influence each other within the limits of certain rules, norms, provisions, as a result what creates cooperation, on the basis of which the implementation of new policies, products and services becomes possible; according to the structural-functional methodological approach, the PPP within the framework of the study acts as one of the potential tools of socio-economic recovery of Ukraine, which allows state institutions to more effectively use their own resources due to interaction with the private sector; according to the behavioral methodological approach, PPP within the framework of the study acts as a reaction to the socio-economic destruction of Ukraine, which prompts state institutions to find the most optimal (rational) option for cooperation with the private sector of the economy in order to restore infrastructure.


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How to Cite

ДУБЕЛЬ, М., & ПАЩЕНКО, А. (2023). METHODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES OF PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP POLICY IN THE PROCESS OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC RECOVERY OF UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(68), 61-66.