
  • Vitaly KUCHMENKO
  • Pavlo FESENKO



state, public service, public administration, conflict, conflict of interests, real conflict, potential conflict


The events taking place on the territory of our country determine the need to improve the efficiency of the work of all state organizations. It is thanks to public trust in public institutions that it is a necessary determining condition for the effective functioning of a democratic legal state. Taking into account the significant amount of external influence on the activities of state authorities, the level of trust is decreasing. A decrease in the level of such trust is an eloquent indicator of the deterioration of the quality of public and legal activity, and the presence of a conflict of interests in organizations makes this process irreversible. Since the civil service is the main authority institution that performs the functions of state management in the preparation and implementation of management decisions, with the help of which the state policy is implemented, maintaining the level of trust (regardless of the circumstances) is a priority direction of development. The specificity of the work of civil servants creates opportunities for the existence of conflicting interests: the individual, social groups, society and the state itself. In the event of a collision, which, in the management process, causes the emergence of various conflict situations. It is the conflict of interests that is a specific type of civil service conflicts that have a significant impact on its functioning and development. That is why, during the writing of the article, a significant part of attention is devoted to the study of the definition of the concept of conflict of interests, arguments are given regarding the need to distinguish between the concepts of "potential conflict of interests" and "real conflict" of interests, and the need to apply measures to prevent the occurrence of any conflict is determined. In order to minimize the impact of a conflict of interest on the development of the civil service, the main measures for the resolution of a conflict of interest are listed, namely: removing a person from performing a task, taking actions, making decisions or participating in it acceptance in conditions of real or potential conflict of interests; the application of external control over the person's performance of the relevant task, his performance of certain actions or decision-making; review of the scope of official powers of a person; restricting a person's access to certain information; transfer of a person and another position; release of a person.


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How to Cite

КУЧМЕНКО, В., & ФЕСЕНКО, П. (2023). THE INFLUENCE OF THE CONFLICT OF INTERESTS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CIVIL SERVICE IN UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (3(69), 85-90.