


conceptual provisions, principles, development of the vocational education, education system, management, functions


The conceptual provisions on the management of the development of vocational education, which are defined by the regulations of Ukraine, are analyzed. It is established that professional training “for a specific job” often does not contribute to the success of students, can lead to the emergence of specialists whose knowledge and skills are not required by the society. The weaknesses of the single-stage system have been identified. The reasons that determine the feasibility of the transition to a multilevel system are identified.

The most important moments in the multilevel system of education are noted: structural and substantial. It is established that new pedagogical technologies are the core of the content of the multilevel system of education. The need to find the optimal ratio between the educational components at different levels of education and to identify priority areas in the field of educational diversification is indicated.

It is proved that the degree system implements the continuity of programs related to a particular type of human activity or to a given field of production and differing in level of qualification. The programs are focused, first of all, on providing vocational training; the educational function is subordinated to them vocationally and at some stages the educational component may not be present at all. At the end of each stage, the specialist receives a document certifying the level of his/her qualifications (e.g., turner, technician, engineer).

A single-level system of the vocational education is expedient and quite effective with a rigid long-term consolidation of the personnel in this field. The main purpose of such a system is to satisfy the state order for a specialist.

The principles of the vocational education development, in particular humanization and fundamentalization, are determined. The system-forming functions performed by vocational education in the society are considered: economic, social and cultural.


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How to Cite

Щокін, Р., Радкевич, В., Бородієнко, О., Романенко, Є., Дацій, О., Мірошниченко, О., Колишко, Р., Притоманов, С., & Короткова, Л. (2020). THE CONCEPT OF MANAGEMENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. Public Management, (3 (23), 236-252.




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