physical culture, physical readiness, sports-oriented technologies, state of health, improving technologies of teaching, multi-criteria approachAbstract
The study analyzes and summarizes the system of forming readiness for the development of physical culture of students in higher education institutions of Ukraine, taking into account regional features, the possibilities of constructive reflection, integrated self-development and personality formation, ready for self-determination, self-improvement and self-development in the physical culture system. It was revealed that one of the most important components of the design of the system for the formation of young people’s physical culture is the level of health that was formed in the process of their life. Despite centuries of attempts to study human health, it still has no clear criteria for evaluation. Despite the large number of definitions, points of view on the nature of health, so far there is no unity of approaches to its definition. It does not, however, cause doubts and the fact that health must reflect the ability of a person to maintain his homeostasis through adaptation to changing environment conditions, that is, to actively resist such changes in order to preserve and prolong life. Therefore, when designing a system for the formation of students’ physical culture, it is necessary to know the features of the territories inhabited by students of higher educational establishments for the development of practical recommendations for the prevention of diseases and the introduction of changes in working curricula. It is noted that readiness for the development of physical culture in students is a new qualitative characteristic of a person with a high level of competence, self-development ability, self-perfection, self-development in the field of physical culture that is able to distinguish from it in the process of physical education in higher educational establishments. forming components in the process of self-development and professional formation. It is proved that the structure of readiness for the development of physical culture among students of higher educational institutions is a multicomponent model consisting of motivation-purposeful, informative, operationalfunctional and reflection modules.
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