


educational process, teaching methods, cloud services, digital technologies, music education.


In the article, the authors consider the issues of implementing the use of cloud technologies in the process of vocal and choral education. Attention is focused on the opening of new prospects for enriching the forms and methods of organizing the educational process, as well as possible problems that may arise along the way. The fulfillment of this task follows from the world standards in the field of education and is aimed at integration into the global educational context. At this stage of training development, it is quite reasonable to include information and communication technologies and cloud-based technologies in the training of students. This contributes to the creation of a high-quality educational environment that has no geographical restrictions and provides the opportunity to build an e-learning system. The purpose of the study is to analyze the possibilities of using cloud technologies in the vocal and choral training of university students. The research methodology is based on the analytical method through the analysis of scientific literature on the research problem. The scientific novelty is to study the possibilities of introducing cloud technologies into the process of vocal and choral training, which open up wide prospects for the use of innovative forms and methods to improve the efficiency of the educational process. Conclusions. The use of music processing programs on a computer intensifies the learning process, stimulates students to arrange choral works, perform creative tasks and create music notation using notation programs. This contributes to the formation of a choral repertoire or the creation of their own musical compositions. Thanks to innovative network technologies, such as music streaming platforms and services, students can study the vocalization of voices in choral parts, track the progress of music performers and their creative achievements. The study confirms the importance of the development and implementation of cloud-based technologies in the vocal and choral training of students, indicates the need for careful study and consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of this approach.


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