


thinking, concrete-operational, visual-imaginative, logical thinking, competence, logical-mathematical competence, cognition, activity, cognitive development, older preschool age, personality, educational directions, play, play activity


In today’s rapidly evolving information society, there is a growing need for individuals capable of logical thinking, analysis, and sound decision-making. The development of logical thinking during the preschool years is a crucial step in cultivating these competencies. The older preschool period is a time of intense cognitive development, including logical reasoning. Logical thinking serves as the foundation for academic success and future life. Therefore, creating effective methods and techniques to develop logical operations in preschoolers is a priority in contemporary pedagogy. Despite significant advancements in early childhood education, the issue of insufficient development of logical thinking among preschoolers remains relevant. This can be attributed to various factors such as an overload of additional activities for children and insufficient attention to the development of cognitive operations during the educational process. This study aims to illuminate the specifics of logical thinking development in older preschool children. The methodology is based on a combination of theoretical methods such as analysis, synthesis, and generalization. The novelty of the research lies in the analysis of the Basic Component of Preschool Education and the current program «Dytyna» (Child) in terms of tasks aimed at developing logical thinking. Conclusions. The development of logical thinking is a prolonged and multifaceted process that requires systematic work with the child and guidance from the educator. Play is the most effective means of developing logical thinking in preschoolers. Through play, children acquire new knowledge, learn to analyze situations, and draw conclusions. To successfully develop logical thinking, it is essential to create an educational and developmental environment that stimulates the child’s cognitive activity.


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