high school pupils, economic self-determination, factors, economic thinking, economic representations, socialization, socio-economic crisis, componentsAbstract
In the article a consideration of a problem relevant to social and pedagogical psychology – economic selfdetermination of modern youth is presented. The purpose of the article is to highlight the results of the study of the peculiarities of economic self-determination of modern high school pupils, in particular, attitudes, assessments, opinions of person about various phenomena of economic content, i.e. economic objects. In the context of the presented material the empirical generalization of results of research of economic selfdetermination as interaction of cognitive (economic representations), affective (attitude to money, to taxes, to wealth and poverty), conative (economic attitudes, economic planning) and moral components is stated. In the process of the research tasks fulfillment it was established that the structure of economic self-determination of high school pupils is dominated by cognitive and affective components, as well as the levels of economic selfdetermination – low, medium, high are determined. It was found that among the factors that contribute to the economic determination of high school pupils, the most important factor is information and computer technology.
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