


competitiveness of the region, improvement tools, indicators, industrial enterprise, efficiency, activity


The article proves that without effective communication at industrial enterprises of the region, a balanced system of indicators will not stimulate long-term changes and increase efficiency. It was determined that the tools for increasing the competitiveness of the region should include a system of analysis; early warning indicators; reports on exceptions of this or that indicator; cooperation of divisions of industrial enterprises. Aligning the goals of the balanced scorecard with current and planned initiatives becomes an important way to focus and align all structural units of an industrial enterprise, while using tools such as the index of production competence; index of business activity. Measures have been developed to model the industrial competence index. The calculation of production competence, which sets the tone of business efficiency for industrial enterprises of the region, taking into account competitive priorities, is considered; advanced production technologies; integrated information systems; innovative production processes. The necessity of using strategic mapping to increase the competitiveness of the region has been proven, the main components of strategic maps have been determined. Mapping the production strategy at an industrial enterprise is an important way to assess and visually explain perspectives, goals and measures, as well as cause-and-effect relationships between them. Organizing the goals into each specific perspective and mapping the strategic relationships between all units serves as a way to evaluate the goals to ensure they are consistent and comprehensive. A strategic map is a visual way to convey to different industrial enterprises information about how the divisions of these enterprises interact with each other, which facilitates the cascading of a balanced scorecard system, since it can be created at different management levels (from 1 to 3) of this enterprise and the map of each level may be revised to align with the overall strategy map. The main components of the strategic map are based on the interaction of all divisions, which justify all the results in production, oriented to the production strategy, which involves significant changes in culture.


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