



graphic image processing, raster image filtering


Given the trend of active growth of graphic content on the World Wide Web and in the applied areas of practice of various industries, information systems and digital image processing services are becoming increasingly important, in particular, supporting appropriate operations for applying different types of filters to raster graphics. The aim of the article is to software development of a system for processing and filtering raster graphics for quick editing of files by content managers. Realization of the set purpose provides the decision of a number of problems: 1) the analysis of features of structure and construction of graphic vector images and modern graphic editors; 2) development and implementation of the class structure of the system; 3) description of the created system interface and the main functions for applying filters to the image. Scientific novelty. The article describes the possibilities of integrating a number of visual transformations and filtering with the support of creating convolution effects using the selected kernel matrix for raster images of equal level of detail and resolution. In conclusion, the article emphasizes that the processes of processing graphic bitmaps and adding appropriate filters to them are a priority for solving the application tasks of content managers of websites or groups of social networks. The advantages of using the developed system of processing and filtering of raster graphic images are its high speed, productivity of processing of parallel processing of a large number of images and portability, thanks to which the system can be used by different users without the need to install additional tools. The developed modular structure of the system allows to flexibly supplement or expand its functionality, in particular, quick integration of other data filtering algorithms into the basic software logic of the system is available.


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How to Cite

РУДНІЧЕНКО, М., ВИЧУЖАНІН, В., ШИБАЄВА, Н., ПЕТРОВ, І., & ОГРОДЮК, Р. (2021). RAST GRAPHIC IMAGES PROCESSING AND FILTRATION SYSTEM SOFTWARE. Information Technology and Society, (1 (1), 51-58. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.it.2021.1.6

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