
  • Alisa GRINCHUK



administrative responsibility, servicemen, military administration, Armed Forces of Ukraine


The article considers the formation and definition of the essence of the principles of military management in the administrative and legal aspect, in accordance with the regulatory and legal framework of Ukraine. Examples of existing approaches and regulatory documents to the assessment of principles such as legality, objectivity, systematicity, completeness, comprehensiveness, reasonable initiative and publicity, in combination with the principles of unity of command and strict military discipline, focusing on the specifics of bringing special subjects to justice, are given. and directions for improvement of legislation in the field of bringing servicemen to justice are proposed It is claimed that all these principles directly or indirectly derive from the law, from separate legal norms, and therefore they can be considered legal (since the principle of centralization of the leadership of the military administration is implemented and ensured exclusively with the help of legal norms). means). It has been analyzed that there are general principles in military legal sources, i.e. those universally binding and indisputable requirements that all business entities should be guided by regardless of their status, and principles of management at the industry level (industry principles) or at the Status level – institutional, organizational, group. Attention is focused on the fact that within the framework of military management, it is quite important to ensure the stability of the main processes with the possibility of the existence of appropriate dynamics, for example, in relation to changes related to new management standards and the use of the latest technologies. It is recognized that the principles of military administration must correspond to the development of law, its system, including that part of it aimed at streamlining issues of military administration. In the process of research, it was found that currently the problem of disclosing aspects of the legal responsibility of military personnel remains relevant in Ukraine, given the significant number of offenses in this area.


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How to Cite

ГРІНЧУК, А. (2023). THE PRINCIPLE OF DIVERSITY OF ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITY OF MILITARY PERSONNEL IN UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (2 (62), 18-21.