
  • Oleksandr BONDARENKO



fundamental principles, legal consolidation, virtual asset, electronic form, information and telecommunication technologies


The article is devoted to the study of the principles of ensuring the circulation of virtual assets. It has been established that the principles of ensuring the circulation of virtual assets are a set of fundamental ideas and starting principles, which are aimed at providing a uniform formulation of the legal impact on social relations regarding the use of intangible goods expressed in electronic form, endowed with a value equivalent for payment or investment purposes in a digital format. It is noted that the selection of specific principles for ensuring the circulation of virtual assets is related to: a) the specifics of the requirements for the functioning of entities that ensure the circulation of virtual assets; b) specifics of the legal nature of virtual assets as an object of administrative and legal influence. The system of principles for ensuring the circulation of virtual assets is singled out, which consists of: 1) general principles of the functioning of subjects of power (for example, the principle of the rule of law and proper governance); 2) special principles of using digital technologies in the public sector (for example, the principle of interoperability, "compatibility by default); 3) principles of using virtual assets. The principles of using virtual assets include: 1) constant monitoring of the existing state of legal regulation in the field of virtual currency circulation to existing technological modifications; 2) adaptation and further improvement of the policy in the field of circulation of virtual assets to EU standards; 3) taking into account the needs of all participants in the virtual assets market without any discriminatory manifestations; 4) the integrity of virtual assets market participants as a condition for their admission to the field of services related to virtual assets. The expediency of amending the Law of Ukraine "On Virtual Assets" in the part of supplementing it with the article "Principles of Circulation of Virtual Assets" to ensure the rights of citizens of Ukraine, create opportunities for state bodies to counteract the commission of offenses related to the legalization of income obtained through criminal means, financing of terrorism, evasion of payment of taxes related to the circulation of virtual assets.


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How to Cite

БОНДАРЕНКО, О. (2023). PRINCIPLES OF ENSURING CIRCULATION OF VIRTUAL ASSETS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (2 (62), 86-91.