
  • Mykola RUDYK



forecasting, planning, programming, criminological policy in the field of RTS, strategic planning in the field of RTS, public authority


The article is devoted to the study of the commission of criminal offenses as a dynamic social phenomenon that rapidly changes in accordance with the changes occurring in society. The current crisis period in the development of Ukraine as an independent state is caused by a number of objective and subjective reasons, both internal and external, and therefore the effectiveness of the fight against crime depends on the degree of scientific support and analytical support at all levels, the intensity of interaction scientists and practitioners of various tangential branches of science in the matter of forming an agreed integrated integrated scientific product. Negative processes and trends occurring in Ukraine require constant scientific monitoring, a deep and detailed study of the criminogenic situation, making appropriate adjustments to the strategy and tactics of crime prevention. In matters of fighting crime in the state at the current stage of its development, the very process of organizing such activities plays an important role. Currently, when there is a complex of internal and external threats to national security, the organization of crime prevention, as well as the effectiveness of such activities, depend on the analysis of crime. The effectiveness of the criminological policy of the BDR is influenced by a whole complex of diverse factors - forecasting, planning and programming. The article examines the named stages of the criminological process in detail. It is noted that from a substantive point of view, criminological planning is a process of purposeful activity for the development of a crime prevention plan based on the defined goals and objectives of such influence, as well as ways, means and terms of their solution, informational, organizational, methodical and resource provision provided for by the relevant program.


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How to Cite

РУДИК, М. (2023). CRIMINOLOGY FORECASTING, PLANNING AND PROGRAMMING IN THE FIELD OF ROAD TRAFFIC SAFETY AND OPERATION OF ROAD TRANSPORT. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (2 (62), 105-110.