


cyber-crime, cyber security, computer crimes, cyber-attacks, fraud, identity theft, espionage, critical infrastructure, information protection, law enforcement, international cooperation


This paper examines the different types of cybercrimes and their characteristics, as well as the methods and tools used by cybercriminals, as well as measures that can be taken to protect against cybercrimes; the role of law enforcement agencies and international cooperation in the fight against cybercrime. The author examines current trends and forecasts of the development of cybercrime in Ukraine and international experience in combating cybercrime. The work attempts to familiarize with the development of new forms of committing cybercrimes in the context of historical development. Cybercrimes are often difficult to investigate due to a lack of skilled personnel, necessary tools and international cooperation. Cybercriminals often hide behind anonymity, making it difficult to identify and prosecute them. Legislation in the field of cybercrime is constantly evolving, because it does not always keep up with the pace of development of new technologies. It is important to note that cybercrime is a serious threat to society, therefore joint efforts of the state, private sector and citizens are necessary to overcome it. Fighting cybercrime and ensuring cyber security is one of the most urgent problems today. This is an issue that requires a comprehensive approach that includes both legal and technical aspects. The expected results of the work are: – Definition and systematization of the main concepts of cybercrime and cyber security. – Development of a typology of cybercrimes. – Generalization and analysis of cyber protection methods and tools. – Determination of ways to improve the activities of law enforcement agencies in the field of combating cybercrime. – Justification of recommendations for the development of cyber security. – Research results can be used to develop and improve cyber security policy at the state and private level. Investigating cyber-attacks as war crimes can help bring perpetrators to justice and prevent similar crimes in the future.


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How to Cite

ПОЛІЩУК, В. (2023). CYBERCRIMES AND CYBER SECURITY: COMBATING COMPUTER CRIMES AND CYBERATTACKS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (3(66), 44-47.