
  • K. V. Muraviov


The effectiveness of the state policy in the sphere of penal depends on who is performing its tasks and functions. In this case we are talking about such a full member bodies and penal institutions their frames. That is how to fully and accurately authorities and penal institutions are filled with personnel, on how effectively such personnel perform their tasks and functions, the success of the functioning of the prison system as a whole, including the efficiency of the state policy in the area of criminal enforcement punishment. Staffing agencies and penal institutions is a set of activities related to the formation of their personnel. Among the immediate measures to improve staffing agencies and penal institutions are the following: optimization of the number of frames and penal institutions; development of the institute of probation; increasing the number of specialized schools that train personnel for enforcement and penal institutions; emphasis on the observance of lawfulness and the staff of penal institutions; of demilitarization and recertification of personnel and penal institutions; attracting new staff (update) enforcement and penal institutions. In this case, without exception directions of reforming the prison system, including the above aspects of improving staffing agencies and penal institutions should be reflected at the level of the corresponding legal act (Concept, program, strategy, etc.). Of course, most of the above areas of improvement staffing agencies and penal institutions can not be carried out higher standards of social and legal protection of their personnel.


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How to Cite

Муравйов, К. В. (2017). CURRENT STATE AND PROSPECTS OF THE FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONNEL SUPPORT AND INSTITUTIONS OF PENALTIES. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (1 (52), 68-72. Retrieved from