
  • Natalia LOGINOVA
  • Maksym LEVYTSKY



military service, military serviceman, falsification of documents, crime, evasion of military service, criminal proceedings, refusal to perform military service, military unit.


The article analyzes the ways of committing criminal offenses related to evasion of military service. Signs of the method of committing a criminal offense occupy a special, dominant place in the system of forensic characteristics. This is explained, firstly, by the fact that the method of the crime is determined in a certain way and allows to reveal the relationships of the elements of the forensic characteristics, and, secondly, its signs are very important for finding traces of the crime and the criminal himself. The identification of general and special features of the ways of committing criminal offenses related to evasion of military service and their classification were analyzed. The methods of committing criminal offenses related to evasion of military service are determined, primarily, which are differentiated (by subjects and, respectively, generic objects) into methods of evading conscription and mobilization and methods of committing military criminal offenses related to evasion .It was concluded that the typical methods of committing military crimes related to evasion of service are: first, active – voluntary leaving by a serviceman of the territory of a military unit or place of service (with prior theft of necessary means, establishment of contact with relatives, acquaintances, studying the route and conditions of movement; free passage through the checkpoint, overcoming the fence through a loophole or breach prepared in advance, hiding in a vehicle that legally leaves the borders of a military unit or place of service; in the case of desertion, disguising one’s position as a serviceman by purchasing forged documents or a civilian clothes, illegal residence under someone else's name, etc.); failure to report for duty on time without valid reasons (production of fictitious documents to justify voluntary absence, entering fictitious information in the accounting documentation of a military unit, health care institutions); simulation of illness (somatic or mental); self-mutilation (deliberate artificial damage to any organ or tissue of the body, impairment of the function of an organ, causing a certain disease or aggravation of an existing disease); falsification of documents (in order to obtain exemption from duties); another deception (in particular, under the pretext of alleged religious beliefs), and, secondly, passive – refusal to perform military service.The methods of evasion of conscription and mobilization are: passive – non-appearance upon summons to the territorial recruitment and social support centers for sending to the place of service or to the place of alternative (non-military) service (the conscript either leads an ordinary life, or hides at the place of residence, in unknown places, goes abroad); active ‒ simulation of illness or self-mutilation (attributing or creating a certain illness to oneself, which gives reasons for not completing military service); misrepresentation regarding religion, which provides grounds for alternative (non-military) service; providing illegal benefits (to officials capable of influencing an illegal release from the draft, granting a deferment from it, declaring them unfit for military service); forgery of documents.


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How to Cite

АВСІЄВИЧ, А., ЛОГІНОВА, Н., & ЛЕВИЦЬКИЙ, М. (2023). CHARACTERISTICS OF THE METHODS OF TEACHING CRIMINAL OFFENSES RELATED TO THE EVASION OF MILITARY SERVICE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (2(65), 5-13.