


tax policy, tax revenues, government regulation, fiscal policy, budget system, military aggression, economic challenges, economic growth


The article delves into the main issues and outlines pathways for adapting the domestic economy to the modern paradigm of socio-economic relations that have emerged in the new realities of wartime conditions. Its aim is to elucidate the essence of tax policy and systematize its implementation methods in today's economic context. The research identifies that the cornerstone of fiscal policy is tax policy, which orchestrates tax planning, regulation, and control at the state level. Tax policy forms the bedrock for constructing a mechanism fostering the economic growth of a nation, escalating its gross domestic product, and national income. The primary goal of the state concerning tax policy is to establish a stable and effective tax system at the national level. This system should facilitate fair taxation across all taxpayer categories, generate ample tax payments for all levels of budgets, and pave the way for Ukraine's further integration into the global community. The article consolidates approaches in defining the essence of tax policy and substantiates its role in governing socio-economic relations. It notes that present tax policy aligns closely with existing market conditions and, contingent upon circumstances, delineates the relationship between taxpayers and the state. Drawing from this research, several conclusions are drawn: Firstly, amidst Russia's full-scale military aggression against Ukraine, the domestic economy successfully adapted to function within this new paradigm. Secondly, the government resolved key issues and delineated the specifics of income tax, value-added tax, excise tax, and a unified tax for businesses during the period of wartime conditions. Concurrently, given the contemporary challenges stemming from Russia's military aggression, the foremost strategic objective of tax policy in Ukraine today is to accumulate tax revenues for national security and defense, as well as to execute measures under wartime conditions aimed at stabilizing Ukraine's economic situation.


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How to Cite

ФІЛІПОВА, Н., БОДЕНЧУК, Л., & ПЕРЕПЕЛИЦЯ, В. (2023). TAX POLICY OF ECONOMIC ENTITIES AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION IN TIMES OF WAR. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (4(67), 50-55.