


National Police of Ukraine, public security, international experience, police strategies, law and order, crime prevention


The article is devoted to the analysis of international experience of police activities in the context of public security. The paper examines the peculiarities of law enforcement reform in developed countries, using negative examples, such as the People’s Republic of China and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, as well as positive ones (the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy). In particular, the article analyzes strategies and approaches to police modernization, taking into account the historical and cultural characteristics of each country. The importance of adapting international experience to the specific needs and conditions of Ukrainian society is discussed. The author analyzes the priorities and tasks of the police in each of the countries studied, as well as their impact on the practical realization of citizens’ rights and freedoms. The paper calls for a careful study of international experience and consideration of its positive and negative aspects for the effective development of police agencies in Ukraine. The paper examines key aspects of police modernization, including strategies and methods used to ensure public safety. The peculiarities of the functioning of law enforcement agencies in the context of political and sociocultural realities of each country are highlighted. The authors emphasize the need to adapt foreign experience to the internal needs and specifics of Ukrainian society. The work is aimed at studying the positive and negative aspects of international experience for the effective development of the law enforcement system in Ukraine. The results of the analysis of international experience of police activities in the context of public security demonstrate the importance of taking into account the unique characteristics of each country when reforming the law enforcement system. The police in different countries have different tasks, structures and methods of work due to their political, cultural and historical context. It is important to take these differences into account when borrowing foreign experience to build an effective law enforcement system in Ukraine. However, it is also necessary to focus on preserving and protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, which is an integral part of successful policing.


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How to Cite

ЛИТВИН, О. (2023). INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE OF POLICE ACTIVITY IN THE CONTEXT OF PUBLIC SECURITY. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (5(68), 41-46.