
  • Svitlana STEBLIUK



child with intellectual disabilities, inclusive education, universal values, methods of education


The article reveals the peculiarities of the formation of values of children with intellectual disabilities in classes with inclusive education. It was noted that the New Ukrainian School formulated a priority task – to help students form a system of universal human values – moral and ethical (dignity, honesty, justice, care, respect for life, respect for oneself and other people) and socio-political (freedom, democracy, cultural diversity, respect for the native language and culture, patriotism, respect for the environment, respect for the law, solidarity, responsibility). An analysis of scientific investigations of scientists on the specified problem was carried out, on the basis of which the purpose of the article was formulated. The purpose of the article was to reveal the peculiarities of the formation of universal human values of younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities in classes with inclusive education. The task was the following: to determine the directions and ways of formation of universal human values of younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities. Nationally oriented, moral-ethical, and family-oriented were distinguished from among the directions. It is noted that the value orientations of a junior high school student with intellectual disabilities are formed through the educational process, activities of the support team, mass media, communication with peers, and society. The significant possibilities of Ukrainian language lessons and reading in the formation of students’ values were indicated. The methods of raising a child with intellectual disabilities are singled out: the method of an example (models of a mentor’s behavior, specific examples of human activity), verbal (hints, prescriptions, instructions, conversations), visual (videos on patriotic, moral, aesthetic themes, accompanied by the showing of films or their fragments), beliefs and others. Some methods of technology for creating a situation of success were offered. It is noted that classes with inclusive education provide for the organization of the educational process in a collective or group form, but it is extremely important for the teacher’s assistant to approach this creatively, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.


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