motivation, cognitive development, emotional-volitional stability, intercultural competence, interactive methods, digital technologiesAbstract
The article is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the psychological readiness of philology students to master professional foreign language communication, which is an integral part of their pedagogical and methodological training. The study focuses on the relationship between motivational, cognitive, emotional-volitional and cultural components that form the ability of students to successfully interact in a foreign language environment. Key psychological barriers are highlighted, such as anxiety, fear of mistakes, low self-esteem and insecurity, as well as problems of intercultural communication that arise due to insufficient understanding of cultural characteristics. When considering psychological readiness in the context of philological education, it should be taken into account that it includes both a personal component (the desire to improve one’s knowledge and ability to reflect) and a professional component – an orientation towards the application of foreign language skills in teaching or translation activities. The article examines in detail the pedagogical conditions that contribute to the development of psychological readiness, including interactive forms of learning, international language projects, the creation of a language environment and the involvement of digital technologies. The role of psychological support and motivational training in overcoming students’ fears and anxiety is separately analyzed. The authors also address the problems of integrating theoretical and practical knowledge, offering recommendations for improving the educational process. The paper also proposes a number of practical recommendations that will contribute to the formation of this readiness, including the use of interactive methods, an individualized approach and the latest technologies. The authors draw attention to the problems faced by future philologists and suggest ways to solve them through the adaptation of teaching methods, the introduction of new technologies and the development of intercultural competence. The practical aspect is presented in the form of recommendations for educational institutions. The research materials are based on the results of modern scientific works, empirical research and practical experience. The article may be useful for teachers of higher education institutions, methodologists, researchers in the field of education and students who seek to increase the level of professional foreign language competence.
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