
  • Vitaly KUCHMENKO
  • Roman BEZBACH




state, state service, state administration, state creation, civil servant, development, establishment, reformation


The process of formation and development of each country is quite complex and multifaceted, Ukraine is no exception. Her way of becoming was rather difficult and slow, but the desire to relentlessly follow the path of establishing democratic values won. The evolutionary processes of the development of state administration and civil service are at the same time in a constant state-building process, which is endowed with an extremely complex and heterogeneous character, which was due to the constant change of political life, the influence of internal and external factors. That is why it is extremely important for every representative of the civil service to understand the essence of the modern civil service, certain aspects of its current state, which becomes possible only after studying the history of its formation, clarifying the historical stages of the emergence and development of the civil service, because without the past there is no future. Taking into account the events of recent years, the relevance of studying the peculiarities of the development of the civil service and identifying the main threats that have always been present is quite relevant. Today's events have created a new historical period in the development of Ukrainian statehood, which is experiencing a stage of its revival and formation, which necessitated a rethinking of the essence of state-legal institutions and their reorganization in the future. Taking into account the above, it should be noted that such events give rise to quite a lot of controversial and problematic questions among scientists regarding the number of stages in the formation of the civil service, the correctness of the name of one or another stage, and their sequence. Also, Ukraine's extremely great aspiration to be on a par with the countries of the European Union gives rise to the rooting of the way of establishing European values and standards in politics, economy, social sphere and the sphere of defense capability. It is for this purpose that the article examines the main features of the birth, formation and development of the civil service in Ukraine from the Middle Ages to the present day. Different definitions of civil service are analyzed, the main goals, tasks and functions are outlined. Considered the civil service as one of the main mechanisms for achieving the goals and tasks of the state and as a part of the mechanism of state management.


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How to Cite

КУЧМЕНКО, В., & БЕЗБАХ, Р. (2023). HISTORICAL FEATURES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CIVIL SERVICE IN UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(68), 88-93. https://doi.org/10.32689/2523-4625-2023-2(68)-12