
  • Andriі KOBETІAK
  • Vadym SLYUSAR



political institution, Church, President, law, political influence, international relations.


The relevance of the topic lies in the need for research state-church relations in Ukraine during the period of independence, which has been updated by many factors and reasons. Modern vectors of the state government's policy in the religious sphere are analyzed. It has been established that in the political system of Ukraine, one of the types of political institutions that affects the sphere of state-religious relations is the institution of the President of Ukraine. It is indicated that the current political situation in Ukraine shows a deep crisis in relations in many spheres of social life, including inter-religious relations. The purpose of the article is to highlight the problems of the political influence of the institution of the Presidency during the formation of Ukrainian statehood and to apply this knowledge to the realities of modern society. The methodological bases of the research were historical and comparative methods, comparative approach, traditionalism, hermeneutics, religious anthropology, philosophical symbolism, methods of analysis and synthesis. Results of the research. The Orthodox Church is the dominant denomination in Ukraine, but today it is in the stage of division into different jurisdictions. It has been proven that the unification of the divided branches of Ukrainian Orthodoxy will contribute to the consolidation of Ukrainian society, especially in the presence of open external aggression. It was established that the institution of the presidency itself plays an extremely important role in state policy in the religious sphere. The article analyzes that Ukrainian Presidents actively participated in the religious policy of the state and contributed to the formation of the United Local Church. It is the President who is the guarantor of compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine, including ensuring the right to freedom of conscience and religion and their observance. It has been analyzed that the President can introduce draft laws that regulate public relations in the religious sphere for consideration by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; endowed with the right to prepare and introduce draft decrees and orders that determine the vector of religious policy; creation of consultative and advisory bodies in the field of religious issues. Therefore, the formation of the United Church should take place on the basis of a constructive dialogue between the authorities, denominations and society. The study claims that the problem of the formation of the United Orthodox Church in Ukraine today is urgent and extremely acute. It was established that the status of the United Independent Church affects issues of national security, international recognition, geopolitical influence, consolidation of Ukrainian society, unification of selfidentification of Ukrainian citizens and is an important conflict-causing factor. Therefore, the church is an important factor in the consolidation of the divided Ukrainian society, therefore the state policy in this area should be directed to support the project of the Local Church. Independently, the churches failed to unite during thirty years of independence. Therefore, strict state regulation of the process of interfaith dialogue and interaction on the way to full unification is necessary.


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How to Cite

КОБЕТЯК, А., & СЛЮСАР, В. (2023). THE POLITICAL INFLUENCE OF THE INSTITUTE OF THE PRESIDENCY ON THE FORMATION OF THE UNITED UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (3(63), 43-49.