
  • Hryhorii SYTNYK
  • Mariia OREL



public management, public administration, public administration, public policy, public policy, national security.


Public management and public administration make a decisive influence on social processes, therefore the analysis of the factors that determine their peculiarities in the context of the implementation of public policy and national security is an urgent scientific task. Scientists have thoroughly revealed various aspects of politicalmanagement relations in society, but the safety component of the motivation for making management decisions remains outside the circle of scientific discourse. The article focuses attention on the fact that in the course of political and administrative processes, the interactions of people that reflect their security needs are manifested to the greatest extent, therefore a systematic analysis of the essence of public management and public administration in the context of public policy and security of social systems is relevant. It was found that the instinct of selfpreservation of a person (individual) determines the motivation and goals of management decisions, as one of the ways of responding to the dangers of the social system. In the course of political and administrative processes, the interactions of people that reflect their security needs are manifested to the greatest extent, so the purpose of the article is a systematic analysis of the essence of public management and public administration in the context of public policy and security of social systems. Scientific novelty: the importance of a systematic analysis of the interdependence of public policy, public management, and public administration has been proven, since in the course of these processes, the interactions of people are manifested, which reflect their needs for a safe life, therefore, any decisions of public authorities should not lead to dangers to national security. It is substantiated that management processes in social systems and the analysis of functional tasks of management subjects should be carried out in the context of the regimes (stages) of the systems' existence and their security. Methodology: in the research there were used the bibliographic method, comparative and abstract-logical methods were used. Conclusions. Methodological differences in the goal-setting of subjects of public management and administration in the context of the dynamics of crisis situations in social systems have been clarified, which gives rise to two groups of goals of these subjects: those determined by management of the probability of a crisis situation and management of the level of security of a person, society and state institutions. The defining place in the public policy of state administration subjects and its focus on the realization of national interests is shown. It was found that the mission of public management and administration is to have a systemic impact on all spheres of society in order to support its integrity and sustainable development, therefore their goal setting is determined by public policy at the strategic level of management. It is emphasized that despite the similarity of the technology of making state-political and state-management decisions, when it comes to ensuring national security, their consequences differ significantly, which is due to the degree of uncertainty of the factors that influence these decisions. It was found that the emphasis in understanding the essence of public management and public administration should be placed on their goals, defined in the context of the influence of social institutions on social processes, the effectiveness of which depends on ensuring the safety of social systems at the stage of their functioning and development. Prospects for further explorations consist in the development of conceptual foundations for finding an optimal balance of functional tasks between subjects of public management and public administration in the context of ensuring national security.


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How to Cite

СИТНИК, Г., & ОРЕЛ, М. (2023). PUBLIC AND ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF PUBLIC POLICY AND NATIONAL SECURITY. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (3(63), 113-121.