
  • Vitalii ZVIRYCH



public administration, mechanisms, foreign experience, personnel management, health care industry


The article presents the results of a study on the peculiarities of organizing the public healthcare management system in various countries of the European Union, namely: France, Italy, and Poland. EU member states actively implement progressive measures to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, including improving the healthcare sector. The COVID-19 pandemic crisis has underscored the vital importance of the healthcare system in the modern world. To ensure sustainable development in the future, prioritizing ecological concerns alone is insufficient, as the population's health stands as a cornerstone for societal economic and social advancement. The purpose of the study: to investigate the peculiarities of personnel management mechanisms in the field of health care in EU countries. Methodology. Analytical and comparative methods, as well as logical modeling, were used in the research. The article analyzes the methodology of organizing public personnel management systems in EU countries, particularly in the context of construction based on funding conditions. In most EU countries, the funding system comprises a national medical insurance system and private medical insurance. The scientific novelty of the study. During the research process, we analyzed the level and trends of change in indicators such as average life expectancy, healthcare expenditures per capita, and the share of healthcare expenses in total government spending. Conclusions. The results of the conducted analysis reveal that the dynamics of the average life expectancy level in the analyzed EU countries during 2010–2019 indicate systematic positive changes in its growth. Over the last decade, this indicator increased on average by 1.6–2.0% across the entire population. The average life expectancy of men increased by 2.3%, while for women, the increase was only 0.7%. However, healthcare expenditures per capita in the analyzed countries have exhibited mixed characteristics over the past 10 years. In general, this indicator in 2019 was 1.1% lower than in 2010. The proportion of healthcare expenses in total government expenditures increased by 0.8 percentage points over the analyzed period. Upon analyzing the overall situation, we come to the conclusion that the governments of these countries have adopted a course of reducing government expenses, and healthcare expenditure containment is occurring at a comparatively slower pace than other categories of spending.


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How to Cite

ЗВІРИЧ, В. (2023). PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT MECHANISMS IN THE HEALTHCARE INDUSTRY: EXPERIENCE OF EU COUNTRIES. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(68), 67-73.