
  • A. O. Zharok The Private Joint-Stock Company Higher Educational Institution Interregional Academy of Personnel Management
  • E. A. Turinina The Private Joint-Stock Company Higher Educational Institution Interregional Academy of Personnel Management


psychology profession, emotional burnout, psychoprophylaxis


Formulation of the problem. The psychology profession carries a number of risks for an individual, in particular, a burnout syndrome, which creates conditions for poor counseling and can reinforce negative tendencies for clients. Analysis of recent research and publications. The burnout syndrome is a psychological defense mechanism developed by the individual, in the form of complete or partial elimination of emotions in response to certain psycho-traumatic influences, is closely associated with psychosomatic well-being, being a state preceding the disease. The work of such researchers as: V. V. Boyko, L. N. Karamushka, T. V. Temirova and others are devoted to the problem of emotional burnout. They investigated the structure of the elements and the content of the burnout, determined the main causes of its occurrence, created the psycho-diagnostic base for Studies, however, remain significant gaps in understanding this common phenomenon in its main factors and manifestations. Formulation of the purpose of the article. The goal is to identify the features of emotional burnout in psychologists and to determine effective forms and methods of work to prevent it. The presentation of the main material. Emotional burnout adversely affects human activity, as it leads to emotional and personal alienation, dissatisfaction with oneself, followed by anxiety, depression, psychosomatic disorders, and inadequate emotional response. According to the results of the study, it was found that in the group of psychologists the highest level of values is occupied by helping another person, communication and health, and they have formed the third phase of emotional burnout - exhaustion, the other two phases are in the formative stage. Conclusions and prospects for further research. The development of emotional burnout leads to dissatisfaction with the basic needs of the individual, resonating with the values of the individual and emotional orientation. The complex of measures of psychological influence developed by us, provides the optimal corrective and preventive effect of burnout: the burnout phases have suspended their development and, if the individual work is extended, they can enter the unformed stage.


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How to Cite

Жарок, А. О., & Туриніна, О. Л. (2021). PSYCHOLOGICAL CONDITIONS TO PREVENT BURNOUT OF PSYCHOLOGISTS. Modern Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychological Health, (2(3), 36-53. Retrieved from


