
  • I. V. Zakhozha The Private Joint-Stock Company Higher Educational Institution Interregional Academy of Personnel Management


autism spectrum disorders, neurocorrection, sensorimotor and cognitive development


Formulation of the problem. The relevance of the study is determined by the annual increase in the birth rate of children with certain psychophysical developmental disorders of varying degrees of severity and in need of using effective forms and methods of correctional work with them. Analysis of recent research and publications. Autism holds a special place among children's pathologies due to the severity, duration and impact on the whole family. The increasing interest in the problem of autism and autistic manifestations in Ukraine over the past decades is reflected in the works of famous scientists in the field of remedial pedagogy, special psychology, psychiatry, medicine and genetics. Children with autism spectrum disorders require versatile and targeted assistance, support, correction, which is provided by a combination of a whole complex of individual and subgroup, group activities. Formulation of the purpose of the article. The goal is to theoretically analyze and empirically investigate the effect of neurocorrection on the development of cognitive mental processes in children with autism. The presentation of the main material. According to the results of the study, it was established that the majority of children with autism have missing or minimal indicators of the formation of social skills. They have difficulties in performing tasks related to the functional game with objects, they have not formed the skills of treatment and requests. Almost half of children with autism are diagnosed with a lack of non-verbal communicative behavior, social-emotional interaction, ritualized patterns of verbal and non-verbal behavior, or excessive resistance to change; extremely limited, looped interests. The most characteristic features of the sensory systems of these children were identified, namely: hypersensitivity of the vestibular and tactile systems, hyposensitivity of the taste system, inactivity and passivity, difficulties in planning and performing tasks, problems of self-regulation; they suffer any changes. According to the results of the ascertaining experiment, the effectiveness of the use of neurocorrection means in the process of assisting preschool children with a diagnosis of autism was confirmed. This directs us to the use of neurocorrection tools (NPC) in the course of formative work with children of the experimental group with autism. Conclusions and prospects for further research. An integrated approach to remedial and recovery work with autistic children, ensuring close cooperation of doctors, psychologists, correctional teachers with the parents of such children, contributes to solving the problems of their compensatory development, optimal functioning and social adaptation in society.


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How to Cite

Захожа, І. В. (2021). THE EFFECT OF NEUROCORRECTION ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN WITH AUTISM. Modern Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychological Health, (2(3), 67-92. Retrieved from


