
  • V.O. Turchak Vinnytsia National Medical University
  • L.S. Loiko Vinnytsia National Medical University
  • T.S. Alianova Bogomolets National Medical University
  • I.O. Lavrenchuk Bogomolets National Medical University


posttraumatic stress disorder, temperament type, individual psychological characteristics, antiterrorist operation


Formulation of the problem. In Ukraine, there have so far been no studies that would assess the individual psychological characteristics of ATP patients suffering from PTS, depending on the type of temperament.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Every fifth combatant suffers from the PTSD. The data exists that the type of temperament determines the type of changes that occur in response to external stimuli of high intensity.
Wording of purpose. To evaluate the individual psychological characteristics in the group of ATO participants suffering from PTSD, depending on the type of temperament.
Presenting main material. A total of 52 ATO participants with a pre-confirmed diagnosis of PTSD took part in the study. To determine the type of temperament, the Eysenck test was used. Individual characteristics were assessed: stress resistance (self-esteem test was used), empathy level (using a modified test-questionnaire of empathic tendencies, edited by A. Mehrabiena, N. Epstein), persistence and self-control (Zverkov and Eidman test-questionnaire was used) and neuropsychic resistance (using the neuropsychic resistance questionnaire "Prognosis"). It is revealed that for each type of temperament typical manifestations of individual disturbances exist.
Conclusions and perspectives of further research. Sanguine persons have a lowered level of empathy. Melancholic persons have the lowest level of empathy, compared to other groups. For phlegmatic patients, the characteristic level of empathy turned to be below the average and a satisfactory index of neuropsychological stability was shown. Choleric patients have a low level of stress resistance, low level of self-control, which together with satisfactory level of neuropsychological stability increases the likelihood of disruption in critical situations.
According to the typical typical changes we found out, the further group rehabilitation of combatants with PTSD based on the temperament type is possible.


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How to Cite

Турчак, В., Лойко, Л., Альянова, Т., & Лавренчук, І. (2021). ASSESSMENT OF INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF PARTICIPANTS OF ANTI-TERRORISM OPERATION SUFFERING AFTER POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS. Modern Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychological Health, (1), 138-150. Retrieved from


