smoking, physical activity, cardiovascular diseases, military personnel, main vesselsAbstract
This article is devoted to the study of the effect of smoking on the ability of military personnel to tolerate physical stress. The study included an analysis of the effects of smoking on the physical endurance, strength and overall health of the military. The results showed that smoking has a negative effect on tolerance to physical exertion, reducing the body’s functional capabilities. Given the importance of physical fitness for military performance, these results highlight the need to implement smoking prevention and control programs among military personnel in order to increase their overall physical fitness and fighting ability. The arm. The purpose of the article is to study the impact of smoking on the ability of military personnel to endure physical stress and to identify the possible negative consequences of this habit for their physical readiness and general health. Materials and methods. For the period 2014-2023, in the conditions of hospitalization for inpatient treatment on the basis of State University “NISSh named after M.M. Amosov National Medical University of Ukraine” examined and surgically treated 1,127 patients with a history of the most common CSC and/or BPH, BTS and main vessels. Results. The sample included 1,127 servicemen, of whom 135 were part of the comparison group (CP), which included participants who participated in ATO/OOS between June 2014 and January 2022, and 992 servicemen who were part of the study group ( GD), which consisted of servicemen of the Defense Forces of Ukraine (DFS), who served from February 2022 to December 2023. A high frequency of the most common heart diseases, in particular heart diseases that required surgical intervention, was found among both groups. In total, 1023 cases (90.8%) were identified as the most common heart diseases, while 104 cases (9.2%) were classified as diseases of long and main vessels.
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