



hardiness, components of hardiness, functions of hardiness


The article presents a theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of hardiness, which is considered a multidimensional psychological resource for adaptation to stressful situations. The main aspects of hardiness, its structure, and its functions are described in the context of modern psychology. In particular, the history of the development of this term is examined, first introduced by S. Kobasa and S. Maddi, who studied the impact of stressful situations on company employees. Three key components of hardiness are identified: commitment, control, and challenge, which enable an individual to effectively overcome difficulties and adapt to changes. A comparative analysis of various theoretical approaches by domestic and foreign psychologists to understanding hardiness is also conducted, highlighting commonalities and differences in interpreting this phenomenon. Significant attention is paid to studying the primary functions of hardiness, including adaptive, prognostic, regulatory, and transformative functions. Each of these functions helps individuals not only cope with stress but also grow through overcoming difficulties, maintaining psychological balance, and finding new ways for self-realization. The importance of the social components of hardiness is emphasized, particularly interaction with others and support from social groups, which are crucial for effectively dealing with stressful situations. As a result, the article highlights hardiness as a complex phenomenon that includes cognitive, emotional, social, and behavioral aspects, which interact to support adaptation to stress. The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of applying its conclusions to develop psychological support programs aimed at fostering hardiness in various social and professional groups. Thus, hardiness is considered a universal resource that ensures adaptation to stressful situations and promotes the harmonious development of the individual even in challenging conditions.


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How to Cite

КОРНЄВА, А. (2024). HAFRDINESS AS A PHENOMENON OF MODERN PSYCHOLOGY: CONCEPT, STRUCTURE, FUNCTIONS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (4 (65), 31-34. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.psych.2024.4.5