


geopolitics, international relations, post-bipolar system of international relations, neo-Eurasianism, Chinese centricity, continentalism


The article analyzes the features of the modern development of the system of international relations, concludes on strengthening the American and Chinese geopolitical positions, and assesses Ukraine’s capabilities regarding participation in international relations. The geopolitical concepts of the leading states of the world, in particular, American geopolitics, Russian “neo-Eurasianism”, “China- centric” expansion and European “continentalism”, are studied with the aim of identifying the most effective geopolitical approaches that will determine the future format of international relations based on a polycentric concept.

Some aspects of the mentioned geopolitical concepts determine the main directions of the foreign policy of the leading states of the world today. In order to maintain a high rate of economic growth, China carries out “soft” expansion for the realization of national interests, creates contradictions in relations with Western countries. Russia, experiencing economic decline, is taking measures to maintain a leading position in the world and pursues an aggressive anti-Western policy based on “neo-Eurasianism.” In turn, the USA and European states, which for a long time acted as “moderators” of globalization, are in a political crisis, the result of which is the strengthening of populist political forces and the policy of isolationism.

So, active geostrategic actors are stepping up activities beyond their national borders in order to change the geopolitical situation in the direction of building a multipolar world order. The efforts of such actors are focused primarily on increasing their ability to ensure economic growth.

They seek to ensure freedom of activity in the international arena, including through the rejection of “inconvenient agreements” and an increase in the number of partners or allies from among the geopolitical centers. Despite the strategic objectives, active actors are objectively forced to apply a multi-vector foreign policy.

Such an approach to the realization of national interests in a multipolar world leads to interstate competition and the search for a new format of globalization. In the above conditions, there is a complication of the political and security situation.


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How to Cite

Гурковський, В., Колесник, В., & Бажора, О. (2020). TRANSFORMATION OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: CHALLENGES AND THREATS TO WORLD SECURITY. Public Management, (4 (24), 74-93.




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