


archetypes, united territorial communities administrative-territorial reform


Economic and social development is inextricably linked with a certain territory, the characteristics of which largely depend on its orientation and dynamics. Its complex development is possible only with the purposeful development of all the elements. The territorial and managerial components of each country are its administrative and territorial units that form its administrativeterritorial subdivisions when accounting for archetypes inherent in a given territory. The issues of administrative-territorial system reforming connect with the decentralization, so problems of united territorial communities in Ukraine remain relevant. The points of reforming the administrative-territorial system are related to the actual problems of decentralization, and the study of the role of archetypes in new associations is practically absent in domestic developments, therefore the stated perspective is relevant and timely.

The most current trends in the context of the decentralization of the capacity of regional governments and local authorities are the following: adoption of an effective strategic document that defines the overall objectives, trends, tools and decentralization mechanisms in all systems of public-political and socio-economic relations; a widespread use of scientific approach to the development of regional development programs, with a focus on return on investment and/or real social and economic benefits; formation of a system of vertical and horizontal to coordinate efforts of local governments and territorial communities in order to enhance their cooperation in addressing the challenges of territorial development; a creation of an effective legal framework, which removes all the sensitive issues in the context of cooperation of local governments, territorial communities, business structures and civil society institutions in the process of socio-economic development of regions. One of the factors affecting decentralization is the social archetype. Its accounting allows both at the stage of formation and at the stage of development of the united territorial communities, to accept changes and implement effective management of communities, their budgets, and land.

One of the main characteristics of the territorial communities is its viability. By sustainable community we mean a consciously formed, economically, socially and politically active human community, as self-sufficient as possible in its existence and development in terms of providing financial and economic resources when taking into account the influence of public archetypes. The conducted research on functioning and development of territorial communities has proved that one of the main reasons for the adverse socio-economic situation in small communities, is the lack of compliance of communities with the requirements of viability of territorial communities: the number of community members that should be not less than the minimum possible level, financial autonomy, organizational and legal independence, state support and security, systemic integrity.

Ways to ensure the sustainability of the main territorial communities, improve the socio-economic situation and create conditions for their dynamic development is to carry out administrative-territorial reform, which is designed to solve legal, economic and organizational problems, taking into account the impact on communities of public archetypes.


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How to Cite

Амосов, О., & Гавкалова, Н. (2019). ARCHETYPES IN THE ACTIVITIES OF THE UNITED TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES. Public Management, (3 (18), 15-28.


