


state, management, infrastructure, social infrastructure, management of social infrastructure, objects of social infrastructure, tasks of management of processes of creation of social infrastructure


The article summarizes the theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of social infrastructure in the region, identifies the main stages of its development, types and characteristics of the system, which together form the basis for further methodological research and determine the importance of social infrastructure for the socio-economic development of the regions of Ukraine.

Trends in the development of social infrastructure intensified until the middle of the XX century, as a consequence of the formation of a market economy. Within the framework of the scientific and technical revolution, there was a need, firstly, to increase the quality parameters of the personnel at the expense of intelligence, promotion of healthy lifestyles, deformation of the motives of work, which involved the formation of various sectors of social infrastructure; secondly, in the areas of social infrastructure, a new material and technical base was created, which provided high efficiency of its functioning; third, the development of material production sectors was accompanied by a significant reduction in social disparities.

Creation, development and support of infrastructure, including social, in Ukraine, as well as in the world — the task of the state. Effective functioning and development of the social infrastructure of the regions is possible only with comprehensive and integrated state support. In the article it is found out that the main tasks of management of processes of creation of social infrastructure in Ukraine in modern conditions are: to correspond to dynamics of changes in economic system and in due time to react to new factors of influence; to carry out the analysis of theoretical laws of formation of social infrastructure; to assess the state of national infrastructure in General and social infrastructure in particular and what has happened in Ukraine in recent years, reducing the factors of infrastructure growth; to show the role of social infrastructure as a fundamental basis in the construction of a modern city; to find ways to create a social infrastructure adequate to the transformations that occur within the country; to identify patterns that affect the change of existing standards of formation and modernization of social infrastructure.


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How to Cite

Дєгтяр, А., & Серьогіна-Берестовська, О. (2018). THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF MANAGEMENT OF DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE REGION. Public Management, (5 (15), 233-243.


