state, industrial policy, institutional and economic mechanism, sectoral approach, strategy of structural transformations in industryAbstract
The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the current stage of economic development of the production sector of Ukraine. The question of the need for the development and availability of opportunities for the implementation of an active industrial policy is related to the following circumstances: in Ukraine, there are conditions for the manifestation of the activity of private capital, which owns funds and financial resources that are quite comparable to the resources of the state, and is capable of implementing economic reforms in the scientific and industrial sphere; private capital begins to realize and formulate its own interests and priorities, to show the ability to self-organization; in the current situation, the modernization of domestic industry is a necessary condition for ensuring high-quality economic growth, and its implementation is impossible without the development and implementation of targeted policies, combining to solve this national problem of the efforts of the state and private capital of considerable economic strength, which is not inferior in its potential to the public sector.
It is found out that the clear structure of the state industrial policy of Ukraine at the moment is not defined. The institutional and economic mechanism of industrial policy in Ukraine is proposed, as well as its components are investigated.
The application of the proposed institutional and economic mechanism for the implementation of the state industrial policy will improve the efficiency of overcoming the above problems not only by clearly structuring the goals, objectives, tools and methods of industrial policy, the study of the effectiveness of its individual elements on the basis of the analysis of performance indicators, but also by increasing the interaction between subjects and objects of industrial policy with increasing influence of institutional components on the development of the industrial complex of the state as a whole.
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