



heroic myth, transformation of society, the “imaginer” approach of G. Durand, public management, public security


The article is dedicated to analysis heroic myths in the security aspects of modern Ukrainian society. The current international security situation is characterized by profound changes which are primarily related to the intensification of integration processes at the global and regional levels. Globalization processes have imprinted all spheres of world civilization, in particular defense and security. Today, globalization processes have a decisive influence on international, regional and national security systems and carry a number of emerging threats along with new opportunities. Ukraine is no exception in this situation. The study of social structures and social processes using double hermeneutics in the “logos/mythos” paradigm, proposed by G. Durand, significantly expands the interpretive, semantic and prognostic capabilities of scientific research, including in the aspect of analysis, prediction and design of social structures of Ukrainian society. The study of the structures of the collective unconscious allows us to explain a number of processes at the stage of the transition of society to new social forms. Myth is the first level of imagination structuring; it can gain energy and wear out. This, on the one hand, is a component of the collective unconscious, and at the same time something that lends itself to reflection and awareness. As dynamic equilibrium is mainly suspended in transitional society, myths always accompany this sphere. The political myth may contain a mystified and distorted image of a specific political and economic situation, not correspond to reality. Thanks to this, image carriers can be idealized or disqualified. The transformation and transition of Ukrainian society is complicated by the long non-formation of the political culture of the democratic and national-conscious character of the population of the whole of Ukraine, but at the present stage we can state the trend of accelerated movement of society in a given direction.


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How to Cite

Клочко, О. А. (2021). HEROIC MYTH IN THE SECURITY ASPECT OF TRANSFORMATI ON OF UKRAINIAN SOCIETY: THE “IMAGINER” APPROACH OF G. DURAND. Public Management, (1 (26), 42-60. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2021-1(26)-42-60


