

The reasons attracting more and more attention to the phenomenon of “economic consciousness” include, firstly, a radical change in the essence, nature of labor, and practical activity of a person in modern market economy conditions. Secondly, in the twentieth century, completely different forms are presented, not just labor organizations, but personnel management. In the scientific revolution, nowadays, in addition to the phenomenon of “labor”, “labor potential”, “economic culture”, “personnel”, “personnel management”, “strategic management”, “human centrism in personnel management” and others that require even more in-depth work . Problems of selection, training, organization of work with human resources, motivation of staff, stimulation of its activities, primarily due to the nature of public policy and the field of work, including industry, departmental, regional and directly implemented in the workplace people. There is naturally a system (with its varieties) of selection, placement, use of personnel using various methods, methods, techniques, but mainly there are methods for evaluating personnel of three main types: quantitative, qualitative (descriptive) and combined (intermediate). Among the motivational factors, first of all, material and moral ones stand out, which, in turn, have various modifications. Little studied, in particular, are the motivations associated with the factors of change, the modernization of production. But the main thing is that motivation in many respects is person-centered, conditioned by the psychology of the person, his striving for self-improvement. Forming economic consciousness, developing the employee’s self-consciousness, one should take into account that modern management as a whole is mainly human management, and therefore, from a scientific point of view, various theories and concepts of so-called human-centric personnel management are of paramount importance. One of the components of this concept is the problem of “employee competitiveness”. The author analyzes the more important preconditions for the formation of an effective conscious attitude of a person towards work in the new conditions of market economy, motivation to work. The emphasis is on the fact that first of all, it is necessary to take into account changes in the nature of labor, the peculiarities of the formation and organization of labor groups, but most importantly, to adopt a human centered model (the system of work with personnel). It is emphasized that the level of human labor activity depends not only on its education and professional training, but also on many psychological characteristics of qualities and circumstances that must be taken into account in the work with personnel in any field of public activity.


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