region, innovation, science, implementation, project, developmentAbstract
The purpose of the article is to determine the problematic issues and directions of their solution in the system of regional innovative development of the economy of Ukraine. Based on the theoretical and methodological analysis, problematic aspects of innovation development were identified: disproportions of innovation of regional economic entities, lack of relationship between the level of economic development of the region and its innovation activity; significant differentiation in terms of production and implementation of innovations, etc. As a result, the features of further improvement of the formation and use of regional innovation policy of the national economy are outlined. Based on the European experience, approaches are proposed to improve the opportunities for innovation potential of the regions on the basis of: preferential investment lending, creation of science parks, attracting highly qualified personnel, strengthening the scientific and technical potential of small and medium business, providing measures to improve research and development infrastructure. To ensure the reproductive process of innovation potential of regions attention is paid to the formation at the regional and community levels of special forms to promote business development and startups – regional development agencies, business incubators, cooperatives, etc.; institutionalization of partnerships between local government and business – public-private partnership, development of innovative social entrepreneurship. Priority directions for further development of regions with different levels of opportunities for realization of innovation potential have been identified. Approaches to modernization of legislation are proposed in order to improve the development of small and medium enterprises in depressed areas, the reproduction of innovative industries, increasing the welfare of citizens. Peculiarities of mutually beneficial cooperation of local self-government bodies and economic structures of regions are outlined.
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