The analysis of the peculiarities of the system of economic education specialists of personnel managers in the USA, Great Britain, Germany and France was carried out. The features of the list of tasks and personnel managers’ responsibilities of these countries are singled out. Qualification requirements for professional standards and professional competencies of HR specialists are defined. The state of economic education of HR specialists in Ukraine does not meet the current requirements of the labor market. The complexity, duration and multilevelness of the educational process for specialists on the field of personnel management in the USA are determined. The general orientation of higher economic education in the West was formed under the influence of objective trends in the development of society. There was a rejection of the extremely narrow specialization, which hinders the adaptation of former graduates to the modern needs of society. Graduates of higher education institutions of Western countries increasingly become economists in a broad sense, and not only narrow-profile specialists. To date, the system of higher economic education in the West has gone to training specialists in the management of personnel with a broad profile. A broad profile does not mean refusal to specialize. The main emphasis in the preparation of economists abroad shifts towards the formation of future methodological foundations necessary for understanding and studying the phenomena of the economy. In parallel, it is foreseen the formation of future skills specialists in the management of practical skills. The emphasis is on taking into account the experience of economically developed countries in the system of domestic professional training specialists of personnel managers.
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