management, team, group, efficiency, effectivenessAbstract
In today’s market economy, among the variety of problems associated with ensuring the effective development of the organization is the problem of teamwork management. The key to a team is goals that cannot be achieved without cooperation and interaction between team members. The team should be formed taking into account the complementary skills and knowledge of its members. In addition, members must be able to influence how they work together to achieve team goals. The purpose of the article is to identify ways of teamwork for effective management organization. The following research methods are used in the work: monographic and sample observation – to identify the influence of teamwork on decision-making; graphic – to illustrate the relationship of teamwork for decision making; abstract-logical method allowed to formulate conclusions and proposals for teamwork in the organization. The article considers the impact of teamwork on the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. The decision-making process in the team when it is given broad powers is analyzed. The need for decision-making arises when everyone understands that the current situation does not suit the team. The task of the team is to focus on the real causes of the problem, not on its manifestations. Therefore, a team model of self-management is built which emphasizes the need for skills and full rationing of team members. It is proved that the team model of self-management represents a phase sequence that authorizes the team to follow actions. Understanding the dynamics and results, analyzing the team separately and in connection with each other – a powerful step to create a first-class team. The main components of effective team work for full effect are highlighted. Influences on team and group results are considered. It is determined how the environment, goals, numbers, roles and diversity, norms, connectivity, leadership affects team and group dynamics and results. The practical value lies in the development of a team model of self- government, the application of which will help improve decision-making in teams.
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