digitalization, marketing, digital marketing, restaurant, efficiencyAbstract
The development of digital technologies significantly affects all spheres of society; the restaurant business is no exception. The digitalization of restaurant businesses is also linked to the need to respond to consumer demands. Therefore, the marketing activities of a modern restaurant must be based on digital technology. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the need, directions and mechanisms for the use of digital marketing of the restaurant. Based on the methods of theoretical generalization and systematization, the evolutionary stages of marketing development are determined and emphasis is placed on “Marketing 4.0”, which embodies its digitalization. The essence of digital marketing in the system of management of marketing activity of restaurant business subjects is revealed. Taking into account the specifics of the restaurant business, a synthesis of the concepts of digital marketing and value-oriented marketing is proposed. The use of digital marketing tools in combination with value-oriented principles will increase the positive impact on real and potential consumers, which will ultimately help increase business efficiency. The practical value of the work relates to the introduction of restaurant establishments of the conceptual foundations of the formation of value-oriented digital marketing in the management system of marketing activities of restaurant business entities. To this end, groups of stakeholders and the main business processes of digital marketing of restaurant businesses have been identified, as well as key indicators and the process of measuring the effectiveness of restaurant marketing management, taking into account digital technologies. Based on the generalization of the experience of certain restaurant business entities in the Ukrainian market, the advantages, disadvantages and problems of using digital marketing of restaurant business entities are summarized. Given the dynamic development of social processes and digital technologies, the problems of digital marketing of restaurants require further monitoring and consistent comprehensive and systematic research.
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Aaker D., Jacobson R. (2001) The Value Relevance of Brand Attitude in High-Technology Markets. Journal of Marketing Research. 38 (4). 485–493. DOI:
Ambler T., Kokkinaki F., Puntoni S. (2004) Assessing Marketing Performance: Reasons for Metrics Selection. Journal of Marketing Management. 20 (3/4). 475–498.
Bizhanova K., Mamyrbekov A., Umarov I., Khairullaeva A. (2019) Impact of digital marketing development on entrepreneurship. E3S Web of Conferences 135 (6):04023. January 2019. DOI:
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Doyle P. (2000) Value-Based Marketing. Journal of Strategic Marketing. 8 (4). 299–311. DOI:
Doyle P. (2008) Value-based Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Corporate Growth and Shareholder. Publisher : Wiley; 2nd edition.
Fader P.S., Winer R.S. (2012) Introduction to the Special Issue on the Emergence and Impact of User-Generated Content. Marketing Science. 31 (3). P. 369–371.
Gani M.O., Faroque A.R. (2020) Digital Marketing Chapter 8. IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. DOI:
Järvinen J., Karjaluoto H. (2015) The use of Web analytics for digital marketing performance measurement. Industrial Marketing Management. 50 (October). 117–127. DOI:
Keyes J. (2000) Internet management. New York: Auerbach.
Klerk S., Kroon J. (2005) E-commerce adoption in South African businesses. S.Afr.J.Bus.Manage. 36 (1). 33–40.
Koetler P., Kartajaya H. Setiwan I. (2010) Marketing 3.0: From Products to Customers to the Human Spirit, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ.
Koetler P., Kartajaya H. Setiwan I. (2017) Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ.
Montecchi M., Nobbs K. (2017) Let it go: consumer empowerment and user- generated content – an exploratory study of contemporary fashion marketing practices in the digital age. In A. Vecchi (Ed.), Advanced Fashion Technology and Operations Management (P. 294–317). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:
Muniz A.Jr., Schau H. (2011) How to inspire value-laden collaborative consumer-generated content. Business Horizons. 54 (3). 209–217.
Nabieva, N. (2021) The Use of Digital Technology in Marketing. Bulletin of Science and Practice. 7 (6). 375–381.
Njegomir V. (2020) Digitalni marketing. Civitas. 10 (1). 52–71.
Pollák F., Markovic P. (2021) Size of Business Unit as a Factor Influencing Adoption of Digital Marketing: Empirical Analysis of SMEs Operating in the Central European Market. Administrative Sciences. 11 (71).
Preniqi N., Sylaj K., Krasniqi E. (2021) Digital Marketing Trends. UBT International Conference. 476.