
  • Oksana Kushlyk Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
  • Mariya Petryna Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
  • Volodymyr Kochkodan Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas



digital economy, Business Analytics, enterprise, optimization of business process, value, synergistic relationship, synergistic outcome, efficiency


Issues of use of Business Analytics in activity of the enterprise in terms of digital economy are considered. The peculiarities of the Internet trends in the development of digital industry are revealed. It is determined that the impact of digital economy on the activities of enterprises occurs through the development of supporting infrastructure, digitalization and automation of business processes, e-commerce. DACQ analytics, descriptive analytics DESC, predictive analytics PRED, prescriptive analytics PRES and business analysis are studied. The essence of Business Analytics and components of its value for the enterprise in digital economy are revealed. It is determined that Business Analytics is a basic platform in the activities of the enterprise in adapting to terms of the development of digital economy. This ensures the formation of competitive advantages and the achievement of high level of firm performance. The result of Business Analytics is a set of developed and integrated digital technologies and products. The areas of activity of Business Analytics are substantiated by work with information, optimization of business processes, and communication with stakeholders and cooperation with the IT department of the enterprise. The main value of Business Analytics is represented by synergistic relationship and synergistic outcome, which are manifested by increased efficiency of internal and external communications, the formation of a unique user experience, quick reactions to environmental changes, management of risks and opportunities, innovations, improving the efficiency of business processes and the enterprise. To effectively use the Business Analytics, it is proposed to develop an appropriate analytical (digital) strategy, which involves the integration of the business analytical system into all functional areas of the enterprise, to develop analytical competencies by focusing on human resources and technology. The role of business analyst in the activity of the enterprise is determined. The ways of digital transformation of organizational mechanisms of enterprise management are determined.


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