holding, corporation, management company, hierarchy, self-organizing teamAbstract
In a rapidly changing environment and the leading role of corporations, which are organized mainly in the form of holdings, the issue of studying the foundations of building holdings from the standpoint of economic science becomes relevant. In the article, the author continues his earlier studies of the concept of a holding in the aspect of various classifications of firms. The author defines the key features of the holding as an organization, gives a definition of the holding from an economic point of view, presents its main purpose in business practice. Various classifications of firms are considered and the key points of the definition of "holding" in each of them as an integration of firms are highlighted. It is shown that in modern conditions the traditional approach to managing groups of companies is giving way to new forms based on collective interaction and cooperation, while maintaining hierarchy. These include companies with self-organizing teams. In such organizations, the distribution of functions between the central office and the teams is very well verified. In fact, we are witnessing a new formation of organizations, relations in which are based on collective interaction based on trust, i.e. with the use of collective intelligence. The classification of a holding as a firm according to the degree of centralization of decision-making is proposed. Organizations can be conditionally divided into several types: with a full concentration of power (when one person or a group of people makes almost all decisions, let's say, in a ratio of 80:20); with partial delegation (when a decision making person / persons delegates part of their functions to other persons, we will take it in a proportion of 62:38); with full delegation (when a decision making person / persons delegates part of their functions to other persons, we will take it in the proportion 38:62); with the use of collective decisions (when a decision making person / persons delegates part of their functions to other persons, we will take in the proportion 38:62 and collective decisions are applied on key decisions). The forms of in-house management have been studied and it has been proved that practically any of them can exist in holdings. It cannot be argued that one form is preferable to another. Rather, there are management models that combine different forms of intra-firm interaction.
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