


coaching, potential, personnel, human resources management, enterprise


The purpose of study. In the article it is identified, systematized and improved the main components of coaching in the human resources management system of the enterprise. The relevance of the research topic. For Ukrainian enterprises the main task is to increase the staff competitive advantages in particularly and the enterprise competitiveness in general. Many companies are still saving money on personnel development despite on their good position and business recovery from the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the key requirements for personnel training and development programs is their adaptability and focus on the enterprise specific activity in conditions of information technologies development. For this reason the integration of scientific developments into real management activities is becoming the most urgent. Coaching as an integrated technology for the personnel competencies development contributes to an increase in the efficiency of the enterprise. The methodology of work. It is considered in the article the system, structural and comparative methods for identifying, systematizing and improving the main components of coaching in the human resources management system of the enterprise, for using the coaching technology in the practice of Ukrainian companies. The results of study. In the article it has been analyzed the state of professional behavior of employees in conditions of information technologies development and the COVID-19 pandemic. The relationship between the active use of coaching and improving the professional development employees in the workplace has been established. The article suggests a more complete idea of the content of the coaching components, clarifies the definition of the coaching concept in the field of human resource management in the enterprise. The key principles of coaching in the process of human resources management have been systematized and further developed. There is an emphasis on the use of coaching functions for increasing the coaching activities effectiveness. It is proposed the types of coaching according to the degree of openness of coaching services and positional factors for increasing the effectiveness of coaching implementation. The practical significance of the article. The main results of the research are brought to the level of applied recommendations, in particular the mechanism of integration of coaching into the system of human resources management of enterprises. The main provisions of the work can be applied in the formation, use and development of enterprises’ human resources.


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