socio-economic development, higher education, public funding, forecasting, purchasing power, risksAbstract
One of the leverages of economic growth is the level of education of specialists working in the real sector. On the other hand, expenditures for financing higher education are the part of the state budget, the formation of which depends directly on the level of social and economic development. The possibility of receiving higher education is realized at the expense of budget funds and financial resources of the population. One of the strategic goals, defined in the Strategy of the Development of Higher Education of Ukraine for 2021–2031, is to ensure the quality and accessibility of higher education for different segments of the population. The forecast of social and economic development indicators is the basis for assessing the potential opportunities of financing the development of higher education with public and private sources. The article defines the expenditures for higher education funding in 2022–2024, based on the forecasts of social and economic development, made by domestic and foreign experts. An assessment of the forecast indicators of social and economic development made by domestic and foreign experts show, that during 2022–2024 Ukraine is expected to restore economic growth. An analysis of expenditures on higher education in Ukraine was conducted. It was determined that expenditures grew in monetary terms, but the share of expenditures in % of GDP remained stable. The forecast indicators of higher education funding (as a share of GDP) and the basis of socio-economic development indicators for 2022–2024 are calculated. It was found that if the forecast of social and economic development indicators becomes true, in 2022 the higher education funding will increase in monetary terms by 28.7% compared to 2020. The risks of social and economic development and purchasing power of the population as a buyer of educational services are outlined. The main threats for sustainable social and economic growth remain, in particular, high level of inflation, which reduces real wage growth, high level of unemployment, which limits the number of people, who can pay for higher education, and threats related to Covid-19.
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